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How to Prepare for Foot or Ankle Surgery: Part I

Use this three-part guide to help make your orthopaedic foot or ankle surgery and recovery go smoothly. You achieve the best results when you work with your surgeon to prepare for surgery and post-surgical recovery. Part 1 will focus on what to do before your surgery.

How to Prepare for Foot or Ankle Surgery: Part II

Use this three-part guide to help make your orthopaedic foot or ankle surgery and recovery go smoothly. You achieve the best results when you work with your surgeon to prepare for surgery and post-surgical recovery. Part 2 will focus on what to do the day of your surgery.

How to Prepare for Foot or Ankle Surgery: Part III

Use this three-part guide to help make your orthopaedic foot or ankle surgery and recovery go smoothly. You achieve the best results when you work with your surgeon to prepare for surgery and post-surgical recovery. Part 3 will focus on what to do in the days immediately after your surgery.

How to Select Children's Shoes

Most children learn to walk at about the time of their first birthday, although some learn months earlier or later. As your child begins to walk, you may have your first questions about what shoes he or she should wear. A growing child will need new shoes frequently, and more questions will arise.

You should ask yourself the following questions when selecting your child's shoes:

  • How does the shoe fit?
  • How is the shoe made?
  • Is the type of shoe appropriate for your child's age? 

How to Strengthen Your Ankle After a Sprain

Following an ankle sprain, you should start strengthening exercises once you can bear weight comfortably and your range of motion is near full. There are several types of strengthening exercises. It is easiest to begin with isometric exercises that you do by pushing against a fixed object with your ankle.

Once you have mastered isometric exercises, you can progress to isotonic exercises. In isotonic exercises, you use your ankle's range of motion against some form of resistance. The photos below show isotonic exercises performed with a resistance band, which you can get from your local physical therapist or a sporting goods store.

How to Stretch Your Ankle After a Sprain

After the initial pain and swelling from your ankle sprain have subsided (usually within 5-7 days) and you can tolerate weight on your foot, you can begin stretching exercises in stages. The goal of these exercises is to restore your ankle's range of motion.

Once ankle range of motion has been almost or completely restored, you must strengthen your ankle. Along with strengthening, you should work toward a feeling of stability and comfort in your ankle, which foot and ankle ankle orthopaedic specialists call proprioception.

How to Wear High Heels to Avoid Injury

High-heeled shoes are a popular fashion choice, but wearing them can lead to foot pain and injury. Some common injuries and pain associated with wearing high heels may be prevented with the following steps. 

How Vitamin D Affects Bone Health

Vitamin D is important for maintaining bone health. It affects bones by controlling the body’s levels of calcium and phosphate, which are critical for building new bone. Vitamin D controls calcium and phosphate levels in three ways: by regulating how much we absorb from our diet, how much is within our bones, and how much we excrete.

We get vitamin D from our diet, sun exposure, and oral supplements like multivitamins. Only a few foods naturally contain vitamin D. These include some oil-rich fish, certain mushrooms, and egg yolks. Most of our dietary vitamin D comes from fortified dairy products, cereals, and bread products. The sun provides a major source of vitamin D, but sunscreen, which protects against sunburn and skin cancer, decreases the skin’s production of vitamin D.