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Dupuytren’s Disease

Xiaflex® (Collagenase) Injections

Dr. Master has received extensive training in the use of Xiaflex (collagenase) to treat Dupuytren’s disease (a contracture of the fingers). Patients benefit from this technique greatly because it allows for the treatment of their disease with an injection rather than surgery. The injected medication acts like a chemical knife which releases the contracted tissue. During treatment, patients are typically able to use their hand normally without restrictions.

Gradual Finger Contracture Correction

Dr. Master has also received extensive training in the use of the Digit Widget for gradual correction of Dupuytren’s disease. This technique utilizes a small device that gradually straightens the finger over several weeks. The benefit of this technique is that it may allow patients to avoid formal, open surgical procedures to correct their Dupuytren’s disease.

Physician Reference:
Daniel L. Master, MD