Welcome to BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine


A Guy's Guide to Sports Nutrition Essentials

Nutrition plays a large role in athletic performance. Learn how to make the most of your meals.

Athletic Shoes

The running shoes you wear can affect your running form and your chances of sustaining a foot or ankle injury. Learn which type and style of shoe is right for you.


Burners and stingers, common injuries in contact and collision sports, produce a stinging or burning pain that spreads from an athlete’s shoulder to his or her hand. Most of these injuries are temporary and symptoms fade quickly. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of burners and stingers.

Growth Plate Fractures

Growth plates are areas of cartilage located near the ends of bones. Click here to learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of growth plate fractures.

Heat Illness

Heat illness is the accumulation of body heat that results when the body’s ability to cool itself is overwhelmed. Know the risk factors and prevent heat illness.

High School Sports Injuries

Uneven growth patterns in young athletes make them more susceptible to muscle, tendon, and growth plate injuries. Learn the different types of injuries that occur in high school athletes and how you can prevent them this season.