Welcome to BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine

Young Athlete

Fitness for Kids

Regular physical activity produces several physical, psychological, and social benefits for children. Click here for tips on helping your child stay active.

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis is the most common type of arthritis in children, and it affects nearly 250,000 children under 16 years old. Learn about the three main types of this autoimmune disease and ways it can be treated.

Physical Activity for Children

Regular physical activity produces several physical, psychological, and social benefits for children. Click here for tips on helping your child stay active.

Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia)

Sports activities that involve a sudden change of direction and intense twisting movements can cause a tear in the soft tissue of the lower abdomen or groin called a sports hernia. Without treatment, this injury can result in chronic pain that prevents the athlete from recovering and returning to sports activities.

Throwing Injuries in the Elbow in Children

For young athletes, throwing injuries in the elbow that are left untreated can lead to complicated conditions. Read about the warning signs and treatment options for throwing injuries of the elbow.