Welcome to BoulderCentre for Orthopedics & Spine

Sport Specific

Baseball Injury Prevention

Many baseball athletes suffer from elbow and shoulder injuries caused by overuse of the muscles. Learn how you can prevent overuse injuries and stay in the game.

Basketball Injury Prevention

Basketball players are most commonly at risk for injuries to the ankles, knees, and shoulders. Click the link below to learn how to avoid injury on the court.


Biking is a fun, healthy way to get exercise. Read these tips to stay safe while you ride.


Burners and stingers, common injuries in contact and collision sports, produce a stinging or burning pain that spreads from an athlete’s shoulder to his or her hand. Most of these injuries are temporary and symptoms fade quickly. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of burners and stingers.

Cheerleading Injury Prevention

Between jumping, kicking, and tumbling, cheerleading can present several opportunities for injury. Click here for ways to prevent injury during cheerleading.

Cycling Injury Prevention

Cycling is a great way to exercise and have fun. Learn the different types of injuries that can be caused by cycling and how to prevent them from happening to you.

Dance Injury Prevention

Due to the wide range of exercises and movements performed, dancers are at great risk of injury. Learn how the proper stretching and conditioning program can help you stay injury-free.

Field Hockey Injury Prevention

Field hockey is a physical and fast paced sport. To learn more on how to prevent serious injuries, click the link below.

Figure Skating Injury Prevention

As the technical difficulties of spinning, jumping, connecting moves, lifts, and throws of figure skating increase, so does the risk of injury. Stay safe on the ice with these figure skating injury prevention tips.

Football Injury Prevention

Football leads all other sports in the number of injuries sustained each year. Learn more about the most common injuries and how you can prevent them this season.